

Lacrosse is known as the fastest game on two feet and it is the oldest American Sport.  It was originated by the American Indians.  This is a great sport that is an “inclusive sport” in that everyone touches the ball and everyone can score- even the boy's goalie!

MAX LAX offers:

Programs for Boys and Girls 1st grade- 12th grade and an Adult Men's Divisions 18+.

      Instruction is included and is dependent on your player's age.                 
Intensive 2 hour new player clinic is included in your fall or winter session registration for

boys 3rd -12th grade and girls 6th-12th grade that are brand new to lacrosse. 

In addition, there are specialty clinics, periodic instruction or weekly instruction depending on your player's age.  visit "General League Information" for more details.

US Lacrosse Certified Equipment Needed:  
Boys 1st & 2nd graders= mouth guard, lacrosse eye goggles and stick.

 Please note there are boy’s sticks and girl’s sticks.

Girls 1st -12th grade= mouth guard, lacrosse eye goggles, girl’s stick

Boys grade 3rd- Adult= the following equipment is needed:

-Mouth guard
-Shoulder pads with heartbeat insignia 
-Elbow pads
-athletic cup
-rubber cleats or sneakers

This equipment is available at the following locations:

Play It Again Sports in Carmel and Fishers and will give MAX LAX participants a 10% Discount on all new or used lacrosse equipment.

Empire Lacrosse behind the Smart Car Dealership on the north side of 96th street, east of Keystone

Dick’s Sporting Goods
  Skills & Drills:  Practicing your LAX skills at MAX LAX, your spring team practices and in the backyard is what it takes to learn and improve as a player. Here are some ‘Youtube’ videos you can have your new player watch to learn the proper techniques.  Then practice in the backyard with a friend, sibling or by themselves.

Boy’s Lacrosse Passing, catching, shooting, cradling, dodging:   Throwing and Catching  Cradling  Ground Balls Dodging

US Lacrosse Boy’s Youth Rules:


Girl’s Lacrosse Skills:


          Girl’s Youth Rules:  



      Any additional questions, please call MAX LAX at 317-413-7427.

                   We look forward to seeing your player on the turf!